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<ul><li><p>NEWSLETTER OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR POLITICAL AND LEGAL ANTHROPOLOGY , / /</p><p>Vol. 9, No. 2 W. Arens, Editor ' May 1986</p><p>A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT</p><p>I was very g ra t i f i ed by the response to my f i r s t message to the Association aspresident which appeared in the las t Newsletter. I received many le t ters frommembers, old and new, af f i rming the i r bel ief in the importance of the APLA for thev i t a l i t y of the profession. Attendance at our business meeting in Washington wasthe largest I recal l in many years. The meetings of the members of the Board werepar t icu la r ly encouraging since there was a genuine consensus regarding the majorgoals and objectives of the association.</p><p>The Board members unanimously agreed to proceed with the i n i t i a t i v e to mergethe APLA with the American Anthropological Association. This proposal met withstronng support of most members who attended the general meeting. We feel th i s isthe best way of recru i t ing new members and more e f fec t ive ly pursuing the profes-sional goals which the APLA has set for i t s e l f . We are asking the membership atlarge to express the i r opinion on th is most important issue by voting on thebal lo t contained in th i s issue of the Newsletter. I have been in contact withEdward J . Lehman, Executive Director of the AAA, and w i l l keep our membershipinformed about the progress of the merger proceedings i f the majority of themembership supports the decisions of the Board and the membership present at thelast business meeting.</p><p>Our Secretary-Treasurer, Helen Siu, has resigned and returned to the People'sRepublic of China for fur ther f ie ldwork. I am sure that ent i re membership jo insme in expressing our appreciation to Helen for her considerable contributions tothe associat ion. I have appointed James McLeod (Ohio State University) as ActingSecretary-Treasurer, and urge you to vote him a regular term of o f f i ce in thepost. You w i l l a l l be receiving a mailing from Jim requesting payment of yourdues and asking you to f i l l in a survey which w i l l become available to the member-ship af ter i t has been co l la ted . Jim w i l l also be representing the APLA at theforthcoming meeting of the Associa-tion of Economic Anthropologists in response tothe sentiment expressed at the last business meeting by a number of our membersthat we should attempt to establ ish closer l inks of cooperation with ourcolleagues in th i s associat ion.</p><p>Leopold Posp is i l , Jim McLeod and Sally Merry are organizing APLA sponsoredpanels at the forthcoming AAA meetings in Philadelphia. Ronald Cohen isorganizing a panel for next year's meeting of the economic anthropologists.Details are given elsewhere in the Newsletter.</p><p>Myron (Mike) Aronoff, President* * * * *</p></li><li><p>APLA SPONSORED SESSIONS</p><p>The fol lowing symposia w i l l be presented under the auspices of APLA at thePhiladelphia meeting of the AAA:</p><p>TITLE: Law and Po l i t i ca l EconomyORGANIZER: Sally Engle Merry (Wellesley) *~j9?.c ^ } 3 . ' / * - * '30DESCRIPTION: Legal anthropology has a long t r ad i t i on of examining law in social</p><p>context, but the uni t of analysis in anthropology i s sh i f t ing awayfrom social isolates toward the analysis of wider systems of re la t ions. Thispanel reconstitutes the anthropological study of law with reference to thebroader, h is to r ica l perspective of po l i t i ca l economy. Panel papers w i l l analyzelaw in par t icu lar soc ia l -h is to r ica l set t ings, including the relat ionship of law tothe structures of colonial rule annd the processes of cap i ta l i s t transformationand development.Par t ic ipant : John Bowen (Washington Universi ty, St. Louis)Ti t le : From ADAT to Law in Gayo Society, IndonesiaParticipant: Sally Engle Merry (Wellesley)Ti t le : Legal Forums and Political Economy: Dialetical Relations in a</p><p>Colonial ContextParticipant: Brinkley Messick (University of Massachusetts/Amherst)T i t le : Law, Ideology, and Transformation in YemenParticipant: Sally Falk Moore (Harvard)Ti t le : Transferring Property in a Transforming Society: Allocations and</p><p>TransformationsParticipant: Frank Munger (SUNY/Buffalo Law)Ti t le: Law and Conflict between Employers and Workers in the Emerging</p><p>Industrial ProletariatParticipant: Francis Snyder (Warwick, Law)Ti t le : Political Economy of Law: Transformations in AnthropologyParticipant: June Starr (SUNY/Stony Brook)Ti t le : The Role of District Courts in Changing the Lives of Rural Turkish</p><p>Women, 1950-1967</p><p>TITLE: Polit ical Structure and Law of Autocracies and DictatorshipsORGANIZER: Leopold J. Pospisil (Yale) &lt; ^ - $ &gt; e &lt; 0 f -/</p></li><li><p>Participant: Miles M. Grody (Yale)Ti t le : Legal Implications of the Soviet Union's Official and Second</p><p>EconomicsParticipant: Michael A. Marcus (HRAF)Ti t le : Popular Constraints on Autocracy: The Case of MoroccoParticipant: Emilienne Ireland (Yale)Ti t le : Our Chiefs Do Not Spill Their Anger: Secrecy and Covert Leadership</p><p>in Witchcraft ExecutionsParticipant: Leon Lipton (Yale, Law)Ti t le: How to Argue in Soviet: Political Ideology and Rhetorical Style</p><p>The following symposium wi l l be presented at the 1987 meeting of the Societyfor Economic Anthropology by Ronald Cohen (Florida, Gainesville):</p><p>A special symposium wi l l be held at the Society for Economic Anthropologymeetings in 1987, on the importance of pol i t ical factors and poli t ical/ legalanalyses for the understanding of economic phenomena with special reference torural development policy and implementation in the 1980s and 1990s. The meetingswi l l take place at Riverside California, April 3-4, 1987. Those wishing to jointhe symposium should contact Prof. Ronald Cohen, Dept. of Anthropology, Universityof Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611.</p><p>Specific information on the date, time, and place of these symposia, as wellas the APLA business meeting, wi l l appear in the next edition of the NEWSLETTER.</p><p>* * * * *</p><p>ANNOUNCEMENTS</p><p>J u d i c i a l Data BaseThe Research D i v i s i o n of the Federal J u d i c i a l Center has prepared a data set</p><p>of i n t e r e s t t o those doing research on s o c i o - l e g a l q u e s t i o n s . The Center has madea v a i l a b l e a data tape t h a t presents data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 1983 Countyand C i t y Data Book broken down by fede ra l j u d i c i a l d i s t r i c t s (91 u n i t s ) , admin is -trat ive divisions (204 units), and jury divisions (317 units); the data set may besorted by state, U.S. Circuit number, U.S. District number, District prefix, andDivision or Jury number. Data for each of these judicial units contains informa-tion on area and population, households, vital s tat is t ics, health, income, crimes,housing, education, labor force, government finances, manufacturers, wholesale andretai l trade, service industries, and agriculture. Data is gathered from the 1980Census of Population and Housing, the 1977 Economic Censuses, the 1978 Census ofAgriculture and other data from a number of Federal government and privateagencies; in to ta l , there are approximately 600 variables by judicial unit. Thedata set, technical information, and codebook are available through the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR, P.O. Box 1248, AnnArbor, MI 48106).Program on Conflict Resolution</p><p>The University of Hawaii has been awarded a three-year, $420,000 grant fromthe William and Flora Hewlett Foundation that wi l l be used for general support ofi ts Program on Conflict Resolution.</p><p>The University of Hawaii at Manoa joins the Program of Negotiation at theHarvard Law School, which has been funded for several years, and the Universities</p></li><li><p>of Minnesota and Michigan which were recently awarded two-year grants from theHewlett Foundation. Hewlett has also been supporting the Conflict ManagementProgram at the Neighborhood Justice Center of Honolulu.</p><p>The program seeks to:</p><p>* Involve the University in the community, both in terms of providingassistance in the development and practice of conflict resolution and in drawingon experience in the community for the generation and testing of theory.</p><p>* Introduce and test a variety of dispute resolution procedures.</p><p>* Study disputing practices in Pacific and Asian cultures.</p><p>* Involve various disciplines at the University in the process of examiningapproaches to conflict resolution and in the process of theory building.</p><p>* * * * *</p><p>SEND APLA YOUR NEWS</p><p>The editor would like to encourage all members of the association tocontribute to the NEWSLETTER with their news and announcements. Information onpublications, awards, and conferences, as well as letters to the editor aboutassociation matters or issues you think we should be aware of should be sent toW. Arens, APLA NEWSLETTER, Anthropology, SUNY/Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794.</p><p>W. Arens, Office of the EditorAPLAAnthropology DepartmentSUNY at Stony BrookStony Brook, NY 11794 NON-PROFIT OEU3.</p><p>U. S. POSTAGE</p><p>PAIDSTONI BROOK, N. r. 11794</p><p>__ PERMIT No. 65</p><p>K.F. OtterbelnAathro Dept, SUNY BuffaloAmherst, NY</p></li></ul>

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